Title: spot the difference 1
created on 18 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. jmdx3mom wrote:
 Top pic has a brown border on the bottom of the pic.
2. jmdx3mom wrote:
 I love these "spot" the difference pics. I see this is number one, will there be more to come?
3. autumn wrote:
 couple of orange candies are wrong...fun!
4. matthew wrote:
 Green candy on bottom right is orange in bottom pic... also big orange candy on bottom row has a baby orange candy on it.
5. likemee wrote:
 still 3 that no-one has got yet
6. yahoo wrote:
 right most candy stick is blue on the bottom, green on top
7. SaraGrant wrote:
 gum strip on right is green in top pic and blue on bottom pic. Also, orange bears on left are two different sizes - top is larger.
8. matthew wrote:
 Yellow background & spacing on the center most bear different
9. likemee wrote:
 that was just an accident matthew. well done yahoo!
10. faithfool wrote:
 What a neat idea! My guess: the gummy bears on the far left are different sizes on the top and bottom.
11. yahoo wrote:
 shelf under the green bear is fatter on the bottom pic?
12. Login wrote:
 Well ... you got a lot of us looking.