Title: Captive Silence
created on 22 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
 great job like those eyes peeking lol
2. hjjr wrote:
 wow, Doug, beautiful colors, good pb, end result is great pic if not a little clockwork orange
3. marg wrote:
 yep.. ditto above.. those eyes are sooo sad and the whole picture just yells 'muted' (um, if you know what I mean ?)
4. Angela wrote:
 ditto the clockwork orange. A lot of this going on these days.
5. five wrote:
6. Doug wrote:
 Thanks for the comments. Watch out "artistas" I'm learning....slowly.(insert whine and whimper here)
7. Doug wrote:
 This pic is dedicated to marius who brought back the "monster man". Thanks!
8. indigo wrote:
 I knew it was you before looking at the name....Fabulous work Doug!!
9. marius wrote:
 LOL Doug. Not sure I've ever had a pic dedicated to me, and such a um, er ... "nice" one too! You are funny! ; )
10. polenta wrote:
 Love title and pic