Title: FT Worst Gift-Huge Pornographic Candle
created on 05 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Dragon wrote:
 Definitly the worst gift I've ever received, a HUGE dong shaped candle. To make matters worse I got it at a work x-mas party. (I convieniently left it at the party too ;) )
2. Baldur wrote:
 I'd have traded you a lobster plate.....
3. lilalee wrote:
 Ha, ha,ha!!!I received a lamp once in my single days like that, and the shade was a bride, that when you lifted herand the dress off, weel guess what??!! At least the candle would burn down!! Too funny!!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 too funny!
5. Shanley wrote:
 lol, loved how you censored it ;))
6. gocards wrote:
7. Normal wrote:
 Hope that was a grab bag gift and not intended for you personally!
8. Dragon wrote:
 haha, no it wasn't personal and actually wasn't the grossest gift there, my co-worker got a huge dong shaped soap-on-a-rope.
9. ArtisZen wrote:
 You should've taken it= Y Not-save money and time -Think of it as receiving a free REGIFT Card. it pays to be gracious and not necess $$. imagin: givin' -not the gift- but the same intention back to the same_? at next/yrs party- NOW thats hilar x2 ~~ LO
10. ArtisZen wrote:
  when jokes back fire ~~its always more fun watchin' the joker eating his own .... big X warning: avoiding backfire(s) requires a good sense of timing TDer from GVRD--lived Calg too. Thnx for comments on my pic