Title: Landscape from Old Faces
created on 26 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (18):
1. nbkcq28 wrote:
2. mekeys wrote:
3. indigo wrote:
 Very nice mekeys...I like all your landscapes.
4. matthew wrote:
 Great pic... Glory to the repeat button...
5. lynnspotter wrote:
 Very beautiful!!
6. mekeys wrote:
 Ahmen for the repeat..,,,Thanks lynnspotter & for all the comments..
7. sheftali52 wrote:
 I like it, mel.
8. Hazer wrote:
 Me too!!
9. Sakari wrote:
 Really cool!!
10. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks guys..
11. marius wrote:
 All of the above!
12. NADIA wrote:
 This is Gorgeous,love the mountains!
13. Doug wrote:
 Love the way you view the landscape thru the framing. Great one Mel!
14. danila wrote:
 surely nice..bravo!
15. DIAMANTE wrote:
 I like this pic.
16. Normal wrote:
 Stunning landscape!
17. hjjr wrote:
 cool pic, Mel
18. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks hjjr...