Title: Halloween pumpkin
created on 17 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. katpedro wrote:
 Lovely. Looks like embrodery.
2. marg wrote:
 hey, solange, this is REALLY good.. but it took me a moment or tweo to see it. The Swiss (and obviously others) have parades where people wear masks like this, but it wasn't immediately obvious to me - sorry !
3. marg wrote:
 do people in Vietnam have something like 'Halloween' ? - I know a lot of places celebrate the harvest festival at the (last) full moon, but do tell us..
4. gocards wrote:
 I agree with katpedro, it does look like embroidery. Very good
5. matthew wrote:
 I really like this Solange...
6. solange62 wrote:
 Thanks guys! In the past Vietnamese people didn't celebrate Halloween like in European culture, but since 2000, Halloween's became a "commercial" event. Young people in big cities especially like this season's festival.
7. solange62 wrote:
 A festival of dead like Halloween is celebrated in Vietnamese culture at the 7th month of lunar calendar, and full-moon day is dedicated to moms following a myth in Bouddhism. Sorry i can't explain all this story in english :(
8. solange62 wrote:
 I mean full-moon day of this month :D
9. Doug wrote:
 Pumpkin Head with a blade! Love it!!!!!
10. Chinky wrote:
 Oooooh, great pumpkin.
11. Login wrote:
 It's father time, with a new look.
12. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very cool and interesting!
13. inked_gemini wrote:
 Oooh. Creepy. This is great solange.
14. NADIA wrote:
 Very Creepy,but an Excellent Picture!
15. solange62 wrote:
 Thanks again :D
16. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful pic!