Title: Rocky
created on 13 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Angela wrote:
 OH! I love him! xoxo on that baby!
2. Peasy wrote:
 very cute! BTW, here in Tulsa yesterday a German Shep named "Rocky" saved a sleeping mom and kids from a house fire. She had the flu and the alarms didn't wake her, but a persistant Rocky did. :)
3. katpedro wrote:
 Hi Rocky.
4. kmkagle wrote:
 What a wonderful pet story. Dogs don't get the credit they're do for intelligence. There was a dog on TV who can read and follow the command on 8 words. That's amazing. I just love them.
5. Shanley wrote:
6. lilalee wrote:
 Rocky is strong and beautiful, Kathy!!
7. polenta wrote:
 welcome back kmkagle!!!!
8. mebu27 wrote:
 My friends have a Boxer name Rocky! Great dog!
9. kmkagle wrote:
 I'm really not back Polenta, I'm just joining in to support Fun Tuesday, and, it's dogs. Thanks.
10. Sakari wrote:
 He's a handsome critter.
11. Hazer wrote:
 One of my favorite breed of dogs! My boxers name was Bud.
12. NADIA wrote:
 Beautiful Boxer!
13. indigo wrote:
 Ditto Hazer! My boxer was Pasha.