Title: Tell Me Why
created on 10 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Tell me why the stars do shine. Tell me why the ivy twines. Tell me why the sky's so blue. And then I'll tell you just why I love you.
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Because God made the stars to shine. Because God made the ivy twine. Because God made the sky so blue. Because God made you, that's why I love you.
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Again, not sure it's an actual lullaby, but I remember my mom singing this to me every night as a little girl. Then it was "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" and off to sleep I went.
4. Margaret wrote:
 Never heard this lullaby before, but it is beautiful.
5. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful lullaby! If it's your Mom's creation she should get a Grammy! Imagine all the Mom's creations out there done with love!
6. lilalee wrote:
 Robin, this is precious!! I have heard it before, but don't remember where!!
7. Robindcr8l wrote:
 I don't know where she learned it, but I know she didn't make it up herself. I googled it and found the lyrics but not who sang it.
8. Angela wrote:
 How sweet is this memory...
9. Robindcr8l wrote:
 It is sweet, Angela. My mom died when I was 22, but I can still hear her voice singing it! And I sang that song to my boy when he was little.
10. Normal wrote:
 Thanks for reminding me of the words - another old Scout song. I can hear the voices in harmony!
11. belladonnis wrote:
 I love this! Lyrics to canvas!

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Date joined: 8 Oct 2008

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