Title: I see the Moon, and the Moon sees Me
created on 08 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Robindcr8l wrote:
 I see the moon and the moon sees me. The moon sees somebody I want to see. God Bless the moon, and God bless me. God bless the somebody I want to see.
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Don't know if it's actually a lullaby, but my mom sang it to us at bedtime as a child.
3. matthew wrote:
 If a mama sings it @ bedtime, its a lullaby... Mama's are lullaby makers...
4. indigo wrote:
 Nice pic..never heard the lullaby but I like it a lot!
5. LadyO wrote:
 love it!
6. lilalee wrote:
 Was my son's favorite!! There is a book out there, with the whole story too!!
7. lilalee wrote:
 Robin, thank you for the sweet compliment!! Made my day!!There are so many new ones, and I would like them all to stay and draw!! You are so encouraging too!!
8. lilalee wrote:
 You seem to bring joy into one's heart, and when I read, or see what you draw, I feel, this girl is real!!
9. abror wrote:
 awesome artwork
10. kyung wrote:
 So so lovely! Love the face of the moon and the girl :O)
11. belladonnis wrote:
 My sister made a blanket for me when my first daughter was born with this poem or lullaby on it with the moon and stars and a sleeping teddy bear. It took her for ever to do it. A wonderful keepsake to had down to my daughter. So nice!
12. Normal wrote:
 To me it's in the "old Scout camp song" category - but perfect as a lullaby.

User: Robindcr8l

Profile Picture for Robindcr8l

Date joined: 8 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 193

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