Title: radame face
created on 03 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Login wrote:
 Welcome to Think Draw, jessica. I saw your message on Zozo's drawing of a robin. You said you can only get fruit or flowers, so maybe your screen resolution needs adjusting.
2. Login wrote:
 There are six categories displayed, fruit and flowers being at the top of the menu. You may be able to scroll down to find them.
3. Login wrote:
 It's also possible to change the size of the pieces. Good luck and keep drawing.
4. Login wrote:
 By the way, Zozo's drawing was done with the 'Animals' category ... that's at the bottom of the categories list.
5. Zozo wrote:
 Hey, I see you have had your answer but thanks for the comment on my robin and I look forward to seeing more of your pics!
6. hxxhxx wrote:
 To repeat the answer to your question: go to the DRAW page, on the left side there are theme choices, click on ANIMAL (it's at the bottom). ThinkDraw adds new themes every so often, to keep the site novel.

User: jessica41

Profile Picture for jessica41

Date joined: 31 Jul 2009

Number of pictures: 3