Title: George Washington Bridge
created on 17 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. katpedro wrote:
 Nice one.
2. kyung wrote:
 Thank you again, katpedro! My house is in sight of this magnificent bridge.
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 This is really impressive!
4. kyung wrote:
 Thank you, Robindcr81!
5. hxxhxx wrote:
 as a new yorker (and after 9/11, EVERYONE is a new yorker -- just like on st. patrick's day, everyone is irish) LOVE THIS!
6. kyung wrote:
 hxxhxx, thank you a lot for your nice comments!!
7. housemd29 wrote:
 Omg ive ben on that brige befor it was the larest exsention brige well now it is the largest BLUE exstention brige as the tour guides say