Title: A Lady at La Paz, Bolivia
created on 10 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. kyung wrote:
 She wears round hat, layered skirts and carry big cloth around her waist to her back for later usage. Always with humble smile...
2. brwniz61 wrote:
 absolutely wonderful. I really like your work.
3. lilalee wrote:
 She is lovely!! Is this where you did your mission work??
4. indigo wrote:
5. kyung wrote:
 Yes, lilalee. It was the 1st place; its elevation is more than 12,000 ft high. People and animals have smaller body, adjusting to less-oxygen circumstance. Our team equipped 2 oxygen tanks, and everyone used them several times a day.
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 Nicely done!
7. raydog wrote:
8. marius wrote:
 Very pretty. Love how you did the dress and your description for us too!
9. kyung wrote:
 Thanks to your comments, sheftali52, raydog, and marius!!