Title: Indian Maiden Brings Firewood
created on 23 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. KStanley wrote:
 Your portraits are always my favorites. The looks so real and have so much feeling and expression. I am always amazed.
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Another beauty!
3. lilalee wrote:
 True of your portraits, the best, filled with emotion and expression!!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 Awesome! You are SO good at portraits.
5. polenta wrote:
 again if there is someone who depicts Native Americans IT'S YOU. Excellent... and another thing, the background... gorgeous here and in "Meditating".
6. Login wrote:
 I admire your talent at drawing portraits.
7. marius wrote:
 Ditto all the above!!!