Title: Augie
created on 09 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (21):
1. Login wrote:
 Where did that name come from, Baldur?
2. lilalee wrote:
3. Baldur wrote:
 It's short for Augustus. We are in the process of adopting a stray cat, If indeed it is stray.
4. Baldur wrote:
 A scrawny orange cat has befriended us. Right now we are asking the neighbors in ever expanding circles if anyone they know of owns it.
5. Baldur wrote:
 He seems too well groomed and well behaved not to be a trained housecat, but then someone could have abandoned him after he had lived with humans for some time. He is probably just slightly more than a year old.
6. Baldur wrote:
 He however is always hungry, and he is quite underweight. I use the word 'he' tentatively, not having looked at 'Augie's' privates.
7. Baldur wrote:
 Robert refers to the cat as 'Cleo', so it could go either way. If we determine he/she is homeles we are shipping it off to the veterinary clinic where the poor thing will be subject to a thorough once over.
8. anotherronism wrote:
 Ack' Phooey!
9. Baldur wrote:
 +s It will get it's shots, be spayed/neutered and then be introduced to Heidi and Seiki. Heavens, that will be brutal. They are not friendly to other cats
10. Baldur wrote:
 LOL It's not quite as ugly as Bill the cat
11. five wrote:
12. anotherronism wrote:
 You got the reference. Wow!
13. anotherronism wrote:
 It's the extended leg that reminded me of Bill...
14. Baldur wrote:
 Interesting point Ron.. was it too obscure for many of the people on this site?
15. Baldur wrote:
 Did any other ThinkDrawers catch the drift behind Ron's comment? Is the source of 'Ack Phooey!' recognizable to most of you?
16. Baldur wrote:
 I was going to add a tail also but the composition got too cluttered
17. anotherronism wrote:
 You know what. I'm drawing a blank. I remember ALL of the characters but cannot right now recall the name of the strip. What was it?!?!
18. anotherronism wrote:
 Bloom County! Then Outland... Ahhhh...
19. anotherronism wrote:
 OMG: Got to wikipedia and search for Bill the Cat - what a tongue-and-cheek article they have!
20. Baldur wrote:
 that was quite an article Ron
21. marius wrote:
 I'm not sure what's funnier: Augie or all the commentary! : ) Did you keep Augie ... or Augieleena? Hope so, looks like he/she needs love!