Title: Even witches love their cats
created on 06 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. marg wrote:
 Just saw this as I was trying to do one in Animals.. and knew instantly that it was yours !
2. polenta wrote:
 YES, you are very good at withches, like your profile pic. Congratulations. A five.
3. kmkagle wrote:
 "Cool" witch! Like it!
4. lilalee wrote:
 A happy cat and happier witch!!
5. raydog wrote:
 Very Good. You will be able to work-out on Halloween.
6. sheftali52 wrote:
7. invinciblehenry wrote:
 proof that witches can be misunderstood...
8. marius wrote:
 I like your witch, cat and shading too!
9. marg wrote:
 oh arty.. you've had a bad few months; hope your husband starts feeling better soon and thanks for taking the time out to comment on my stuff - but please, use what time you have free to draw some more of your magical pictures !