Title: Where OH where
created on 22 May 09

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Comments on this picture (27):
1. arty wrote:
 I went into Showcase and discovered the brilliant " the piazzo" drawn by marg was not there. She has 42 votes. Please tell me it is just my computer
2. five wrote:
 page 5 of showcase, Arty ... but don't worry, 42 5 votes should be enough votes for it to end up in the Top 5.
3. arty wrote:
 O.K. five, but it was in page one yesterday, why was it moved? Guess I don't understand the system. Thank the Lord you found it.
4. five wrote:
 Someone gave it a rating lower than a 5... The Showcase is shown in highest rating order, so as soon as a pic gets one vote less than a five, it is moved to the middle (Qsilv's Leonardo did the same thing a few days ago)
5. arty wrote:
 Thanks five now I understand. Except who would vote less than five??? a moron!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Login wrote:
 You've hit the nail on the head, arty ... and it's an anonomous moron at that. It's malicious and pathetic and only the anticipated changes to the voting system can possibly put an end to it. Roll on June 1st.
7. Login wrote:
 By the way, marg voted her own drawing down, after the moron voted down Qsilv's 'Leonardo'. I have done the smae with 'Pavarotti' for the same reason ... it is embarrassing being up there on the top row, when there are drawings further down the line with
8. Login wrote:
 -smae +same
9. Login wrote:
 ... with more votes.
10. lilalee wrote:
 That was the nastiest thing I've seen on this site. Who's doing all of this?? And who is Iamanonyous?? I think it's them!
11. IamAnonymous wrote:
 I don't know who you are either lilalee, but I haven't accused you of anything! I gave marg a well deserved 5!!
12. IamAnonymous wrote:
 The whole point of having a pseudonym is that everyone is anonymous! It's a shame that you are following the typical witch hunt mentality of apportioning blame, just because you cannot understand something. Not a very christian way to behave.
13. lilalee wrote:
 I am not on a witch hunt, and at least I'm not trying to intimidate! And you know what? My behavior is fine!
14. marg wrote:
 hey, arty.. this is me.. I don't go under any stupid pseudonyms; I just commented on your 'little seaside town' pic and then spotted this one on the side.
15. marg wrote:
 thank you, so much, for caring.. but as Login said, I did vote on my own pic to remove it from the first page.. as Login also did to a couple of her brilliant pics.. because it was a sham having my pic up there when Qsilv's had been blasted.
16. marg wrote:
 as for 'IamAnonymous' - my feelings are basically that anyone who chooses to comment anonymously is a w****r - anyone can vote anonymously, but for a TDer to do that [i.e. someone who's known on ThinkDraw under a different username], well..
17. marg wrote:
 .. and BTW.. if there was a way I could have your profile pic as mine, I'd offer to pay for it ! it was one of my greatest inspirations when I first started on TD !
18. IamAnonymous wrote:
 Has anyone even bothered to read comment 10? Totally unprovoked and yet I am the one who gets attacked - for what? - giving marg a 5 and NEVER EVER voting down anybody. You just see what you want to see because it is the easy way to explain whatever it is
19. IamAnonymous wrote:
 you think is happening. Marg I am hurt by your comments. You must have me mixed up with someone else.
20. IamAnonymous wrote:
 As for the name, Lynspotter made it available to everyone. Would everyone be happier if she had called it - "somebody"?
21. arty wrote:
 Folks, I did not mean to start any debate. just love margs drawimgs, and was so upset to see it seemed to have disappeared. I am acbit slow on the computer, so never even thought to look for her pic further down the line.Apologises for any unpleasantness
22. IamAnonymous wrote:
 Arty you are not the one who needs to apologise. I am sorry to have written so much here.
23. Login wrote:
 Matthew, m'dear. It is the anonymity that is irritating. You quite rightly say that we are all anonymous ... true ... but we don't go masquerading as someone else. Can't you see that the double-identity is making people suspicious again.
24. IamAnonymous wrote:
 Can't you understand that I am not matthew and I don't have a double identity - m'dear.
25. matthew wrote:
 Login, I was directed here by a forum comment... Why is a finger being pointed at me again??? Why must a finger be pointed at all??? Everytime... Every stupid time... It's Matthew, Matthew, Matthew... AAAAAAAAARRG!!!
26. Login wrote:
 I see you still have your 'one vote bandit' ID as well.
27. Login wrote:
 Let us call a truce ... a lot of misunderstandings and 'wanting to know' getting out of hand. I aplogise unreservedly.