Title: Polenta, What Color is This?
created on 10 May 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. matthew wrote:
 Red leather
2. solosater wrote:
 We call this maroon, you called brown MARRÓN; I was just wondering?
3. matthew wrote:
 It is a dark shade of red, but it falls short of maroon on my computer...
4. solosater wrote:
 matthew, I just want the word in Spanish.
5. gwinnyb wrote:
 I think I would call it granate "garnet", or rojo oscuro "dark red" but I bow to a more fluent authority if polenta responds differently
6. matthew wrote:
 I would say it is a burgundy which I believe would be "Borgoña"
7. Baldur wrote:
 marron' is actually chestnut, a brownish red
8. polenta wrote:
 brown is MARRÓN in Spanish. This color in Spanish would be something inbetween brown and red. We could name it with the French BORDEAUX or maybe BORRADEVINO (something to do with wine). Yes, MARRÓN is brown in Spanish.
9. polenta wrote:
 dark red could be but very very dark red, something having a hue of even black.
10. polenta wrote:
 I'll draw a picture.
11. matthew wrote:
 Do you not have a word for burgundy? It is a color & a red wine 7 a sauce made with red wine...

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