Title: Cinderella's Prince.
created on 10 May 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. polenta wrote:
 They'll make a nice couple. Will they live happily ever after?
2. arty wrote:
 I don't think so. He is a bit poncy looking!!!!!!!!!!
3. kyung wrote:
 arty, I don't think he looks poncy because of his innocent eyes. They will live happily ever after. :)
4. kyung wrote:
 For glass work; I started from very simple ones. When glass is facing light, observe the change of shade, the brightest point by moving the glass. And try easy pencil drawing. I hope this helps.
5. Login wrote:
 Well, that's a full set then, arty.
6. Login wrote:
 Thanks to kyung, too. I must try some glass drawing.