Title: Are we supposed to vote now? Yes or no?
created on 09 May 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. solosater wrote:
 Polenta I've been meaning to tell you this all day. Some people have decided to start voting, some of us are still not. you do what you like & don't worry about the rest.
2. mekeys wrote:
 Your Virginia picture is getting a lot of votes so i say VOTE.
3. marg wrote:
 there are no rules - not voting was really good for a time (unison ? protest ?), but I, for one, am certainly voting now
4. LadyO wrote:
 I'm voting, too.
5. craftycarol wrote:
 allowed or not, I am voting!
6. polenta wrote:
7. Qsilv wrote:
 (((smiles))).... me too
8. Login wrote:
 ... and me ...