Title: really simple letters...
created on 03 May 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. Soda wrote:
 I kinda want to see if I can make a panda... >_<
2. anotherronism wrote:
 Nice project... The Panda in the National Zoo, here in Washington, DC (US) "might" be pregnant. There is no test to check her.
3. anotherronism wrote:
 So they go on physchological stuff like: she's spending all her time inside right now and she's cradling objects (stuffed animals, food bowls, etc...) like she would cradle a baby...
4. anotherronism wrote:
 So - a simple suggestion for your project (after the whale) is a mothering panda. Nothing in the world cuter than a baby panda - and if it's baby and Mom - well - I'm already crying :-)
5. Soda wrote:
 Most likely I will do a flower picture first then move onto the gothic... have to look at pictures of pandas for a few more days XD

User: Soda

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Date joined: 18 Dec 2008

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