Title: what do you do with the shattered pieces
created on 24 Sep 08

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. tiki244 wrote:
 What an original idea! And very pleasing to the eye!
2. tiger2 wrote:
 That crust looks yummy!
3. yuriko189 wrote:
 haha i agree with tiger2. Oh and i love the colour background u used because it seems 2 make the red "pop" Quite a contrast.
4. Strawdoll wrote:
 Very well done,this caught my eye for the same reason it seemed to attract ,tiki244 tiger2 & yuriko189..plus it reminds me of a tattoo I drew way years back and someday I will have it done
5. Just4u2luv26 wrote:
 Love your creativity, and this pic is awesome, i also like the colors, just like everyone else.
6. Jovi wrote:
 You did a great job on the crust. I also like how the falling pieces get bigger - the farther they fall. Very nice.

User: buggle

Profile Picture for buggle

Date joined: 21 Sep 2008

Number of pictures: 11