Title: I need help with a word in English
created on 30 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. polenta wrote:
 When a cashier finishes his shift or day he has to see if the money he has is what he should have after all the money that was given to him minus the money he paid. How do you call this?
2. katpedro wrote:
 Balancing your cash. Hope thats the word u r loking for.
3. marg wrote:
 or 'reconcile' - as in 'bank reconciliation', when you make sure your books manage the bank statement !
4. Qsilv wrote:
 you "close out your register"
5. Qsilv wrote:
 ("cash register" is a machine that holds money in a drawer. "check register" is the receipt part of a little book of paper checks you write to people for payment & match to a bank statement)
6. Qsilv wrote:
 So you close out a cash register each day, and you (hopefully!) balance a check register each month. (smiles)
7. Dragon wrote:
 We call it 'Cash Out'at my work.
8. matthew wrote:
 "reconcile" or "settle up" or "close out"
9. polenta wrote:
 Thanks everyabody for your help. I appreciate it.
10. Login wrote:
 'Reconcile' or 'balance the books' in UK.