Title: waiting
created on 21 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. egrace wrote:
 Thats really cool. Birds are awesome!
2. polenta wrote:
 beautifully done bird... and with candy!!!
3. sheftali52 wrote:
 great bird!!
4. NINA wrote:
 Excellent! Love the wing!
5. arty wrote:
 Now who down voted such brilliant drawing? Must be a mornon !!!!! I just love how relaxed he is , leaning against the branch
6. DMarcella wrote:
 What a cute bird.
7. horses wrote:
 you are so talented and amazing. All your drawings are. How do you do it?
8. kyung wrote:
 I really appreciate all your comments. ps: Sorry for the late response, horeses. I think we need to use our immagination and then apply it into suitable patterns (from flowers to animals). I don't know this can be an answer for your question.