Title: Kingfisher
created on 19 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Qsilv wrote:
 wow... these must be like a living tapestry!
2. lilalee wrote:
 Wow! what a beauty!! They are a beautiful bird, and you did a beautiful work!
3. Login wrote:
 Oh! I like this, arty. It's instantly recognisable. You are so good at drawing birds.
4. kaylynn wrote:
 Great pic!
5. DMarcella wrote:
 This is nice. I was just thinking of this bird yesterday or the day before thinking I haven't done it yet and it is probably my favorite bird. I saw it for the first and only time about 10 years ago when I went bird watching so it was a new sighting and
6. DMarcella wrote:
 This is nice. I was just thinking of this bird yesterday or the day before thinking I haven't done it yet and it is probably my favorite bird. I saw it for the first and only time about 10 years ago when I went bird watching so it was a new sighting and
7. matthew wrote:
 How very nice. Love the ground colors silhoueting the lower & left...
8. NINA wrote:
9. marg wrote:
 He's wonderful - don't you love that flash of iridescent blue when they dive ?
10. nancylee wrote:
 Terrific Arty!
11. rowalt1949 wrote:
 Really nice!