Title: Juggling Cherry Ant with Banana Shoes
created on 27 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. mebu27 wrote:
 Can someone animate a juggler? or a Cherry Ant juggling? (with or without the banana shoes) (the shoes are not all that inportant - cause you, know ants don't really wear bananas for shoes)
2. indigo wrote:
 CUTE! love the shoes...
3. mebu27 wrote:
 thanks but the shoes are a little slippery
4. indigo wrote:
 Next time use fancy pineapple shoes...they grip...:)
5. mebu27 wrote:
 what a great idea, the pineapple would be more skid resistant
6. mostblessedone wrote:
 Cherry ants are by far the most talented of the fruit ant genus. Banana shoes are but a recent addition to their evolutional adaptations.
7. mebu27 wrote:
 Thanks Mostblessedone for clearifing that, I was'nt sure if it was the Cherry ant or the Lemon Formicidae that were actually better jugglers.