Title: For gwinnyb: The Wearing of the Green
created on 12 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. kmkagle wrote:
 Love it, love it! Great job!
2. gwinnyb wrote:
 thanks for this adorable guy. I'm Irish too, It feels like home to go there. even though I've always lived in the states
3. lilalee wrote:
 O'Nancylee!! Great!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 my, my, this is great!!
5. moodyqueen wrote:
 Oh, sooo cute
6. NINA wrote:
 Cute little guy!
7. Luna wrote:
 Love this!
8. Login wrote:
 Well, isn't he a merry looking fellow.
9. tinkerbell wrote:
 wow wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it dude it is so wack but i dig it