Title: Sweets for the Sweet
created on 10 Feb 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. LaDonna wrote:
 when i was a young girl my Dad would never forget to get me a box of these.
2. kmkagle wrote:
 I'm happy it brought you a memory. That's better than anything.
3. lilalee wrote:
 I'll have the maple nut!!
4. kmkagle wrote:
 That's my favorite. Thanks.
5. Luna wrote:
6. kmkagle wrote:
 Thanks. I feel sitting down and diving in to a whole box of candy! Ever get a day like that?
7. kmkagle wrote:
 Luna, how you doing? Feeling better I hope! Waiting to see another great pic!
8. aasd wrote:
 Yum! They look delicious!