Title: butterflies hear more than you think
created on 10 Oct 19

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. littlebean wrote:
 one of the butterfly wings glitched and it changed it to something else, kinda annoyed but it's fine lol
2. indigo wrote:
 :) Cute butterflies!
3. evefoster wrote:
 had that happen to me on that sunset over the ocean, there were NO dark spots in the sand before but when i saved it it was full of them
4. evefoster wrote:
 on my PC i was working on something, put a whole lot of work into it THEN! IT DECIDED TO UPDATE ITSELF
5. evefoster wrote:
 without my permission.. lost the whole thing.. several times i saved something and my internet was a bit too slow LOST SO MANY THAT WAY

User: littlebean

Profile Picture for littlebean

Date joined: 29 Aug 2019

Number of pictures: 10

 Christmas Holidays