Title: Noble Norman's Nobel
created on 22 Aug 18

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Burgandy wrote:
 Great Likeness!
2. starlight7 wrote:
 Love This!
3. chelydra wrote:
 Hooray! Thinkdraw is stirring... the sleeping giant of the internet is wheezing and scratching, reading to arise and challenge google, facebook, and those twittering machines...
4. hjjr wrote:
5. priya41 wrote:
 Very nicely done !
6. indigo wrote:
 Well done!
7. katidid wrote:
 Looked him up. Borlaug is credited with saving at least a billion lives. wow!Very nice likeness!
8. bugoy1 wrote:
 Yes. It's hard to compare any other accomplishment to saving a billion people!
9. clrmered wrote:
 WOW! that needs shouted from the rooftops!
10. AFSOUTH wrote:
11. Lizzi wrote:
 I did not know about him. You have. He's a superhero, and this is an excellent likeness of "Mr. Green".