Title: Dont want to stand,I will help!
created on 29 Sep 17

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. alanator wrote:
 Traitors have the American right to protest,but blame and don't respect the Presidents right to do the same.Our national pride and respect matter,not the whiny,spoiled,overpaid jocks that think their feelings were hurt.Same rules for all!
2. alanator wrote:
 I have been a Pittsburg Steelers fan for as long as I remember,but now I will refer to them as the Shittsburg Squealers,oh yeah,no more money to pro sports that don't respect the nation that gives them opportunity.
3. alanator wrote:
 Hey,I just thought of something,if they are so disgusted with the nation,why don't they refuse to play?It is,in fact the NATIONAL Football League,with the AMERICAN and NATIONAL conferences,really feel that strongly about it now???
4. hjjr wrote:
 these players are replaceable, let's find ones that want to be in America
5. alanator wrote:
 Amen,hjjr,well said.
6. bugoy1 wrote:
 Slice is always doing his part ;)
7. Angela wrote:
 Excellent points!
8. katidid wrote:
 Hear! Hear!