Title: Last Light
created on 18 Aug 17

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Good one!
2. indigo wrote:
 NICE! :)
3. hjjr wrote:
4. priya41 wrote:
 Ditto all!
5. katidid wrote:
 Very nice rendition of the eclipse! Here in northeastern MA, we'll get about 61% eclipse, so we'll not see that ring and the night sky, which must be awesome.
6. KJLavigne wrote:
7. KJLavigne wrote:
 Yep! Keeps drawing me back!!
8. Fangzzz wrote:
 Having actually seen it now I need to revise my vision - the sun part was perfect to the reality but for a red dye to the reemerging sun. It wasn't that dark by far - only saw Venus but none of the other stars. Yet got super cold very suddenly (I was in