Title: Trump ends debate memorably
created on 31 Jul 16

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. alanator wrote:
 Slice portrays "The Donald" for some political fun.The Donald cant take any more of Hillarys smoke-blowing and smokes her.He was later quoted that her bleating was like a donkey braying in his ear.Donkey,get it?
2. Sakari wrote:
 Look at that hair!!
3. katidid wrote:
4. Lolla wrote:
 Look at that watch!!!!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 Lol, a ticking time bomb!
6. Finette wrote:
 Very nice! You capture/express a lot of things, in this image!!
7. hjjr wrote:
 glad that debate is over!
8. Angela wrote:
 YaY! Time to stop that noise.
9. bugoy1 wrote:
 Off with their heads! :)