Title: My 15th Ex Wife Caitlyn
created on 01 Dec 15

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 My 15th ex wife Caitlyn...... Some people hate on her because her boobs are so big its nnootttt FAIIIRRR NIIENNN!!! They are jealous because they are flat chested. Caitlyn has pepperoni dots. I love her Boob dots so much that when I ask her for pepporoni
2. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 pizza she takes off her shirt and says "here are 2 pepporoni pizzas eat up". I ate her boobs 3 times... she had to get boob implants because i bit them off so when i pooped it out they tape it onto her boobs again and call them boobs!
3. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 I think she is very hot. I love to have hot sauce parties with her! I drizzle hot saucew on her turds then we dance around it to another one of Taylor Swifts love songs about her EXs!
4. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 Her bra size is too big nobody has created a bra that big. Her size is a triple z. I had to kill a whale so that i could get its skin and tape it onto her boobs and that only covers the dots!
5. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 we had a kid named Vladimir Putin. i havent seen him since he was born i think he was playing trampoline on her boobs and fell in the crack.
6. ThinkDrawUS wrote:
 Our relationship lasted for 93hours. I had to divorce her because she kept throwing my furniture into her boob crack and not giving it back. I think she kept puttin it there so when she got a new house she would have furniture!

User: ThinkDrawUS

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Date joined: 1 May 2009

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