Title: Art Genocide (PB)
created on 10 Oct 15

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Fangzzz wrote:
 Henry VIII ordered the white washing of all the art in the churches, but this isn't the only time politics has forever stolen art from our eyes. After reading history today my heart morns what shall never be seen again.
2. Qsilv wrote:
 Mind-numbing how easily & determinedly people can destroy. But note how each age's tech advances, preserving & sharing, more & more widely: story tell'g, cave paint'g, writ'g, print'g, electronics...
3. Shanley wrote:
 so many good things destroyed in the name of power..the church itself was used many times as a pretext for this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persec
4. nancylee wrote:
 Yes. Heartbreaking.
5. clrmered wrote:
 very interesting.
6. katidid wrote:
 a good reminder!
7. mum23 wrote:
 I felt like this about Palmyra recently. So many treasures lost.