Title: Rich Journey
created on 21 Aug 15

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 I see a subtle image of a face. Is that what I'm supposed to see? It's done in a cool way
2. Fangzzz wrote:
 Art is what you see in it, but no I only saw that myself after it was done.
3. indigo wrote:
 I can't see the face. Not yet. I see wings unfolding. The person or creature knees bent.Also a face with a chocolate bon bon for a hat.PLUS I find myself craving a hot chocolate...
4. pinkie wrote:
 Interesting colours and shapes!
5. katidid wrote:
 Hmm, I see a wing, I saw the face earlier, but can't seem to see it now....and it makes me want chocolate too. :-) Interesting!