Title: Contemplative
created on 16 Jul 15

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. indigo wrote:
 Sooooo nice! She must be the little sister of Day at the Beach girl. ^{^
2. chirping1 wrote:
 For someone whose ancestry nearly all comes from landlocked counties, not a mariner in sight, I have a bit of a thing about drawing the sea!
3. hjjr wrote:
 another perfect scene!
4. indigo wrote:
 Maybe because your astrological sign is a water sign? I'm not seriously into that... just for fun! *{*
5. chirping1 wrote:
 Lol! Maybe, hadn't thought of that!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 And maybe you have a thing for little blonde girls...your daughter? They are all lovely. You're so talented.
7. chirping1 wrote:
 No I'm just having fun experimenting with the pieces in Animals trying to make convincing hair!
8. chirping1 wrote:
 I've never been confident doing people & portraits on TD so this series is the result of me forcing myself to try harder!
9. pinkie wrote:
 Your series are so good! A lot of thought has gone into your pictures!
10. priya41 wrote:
 loving the series of cute little girls!
11. Shanley wrote:
 beautiful! love how you painted the sea with the foam, the wet sand and the depth...beautiful! :)
12. katidid wrote:
 A gem! Your people and portraits are wonderful. So much character in the faces.
13. clrmered wrote:
 Very nicely done...
14. clorophilla wrote:
 you rendered so well the feeling!