Title: Shakespeare Quote-
created on 28 Jun 15

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. chirping1 wrote:
 Sorry note a brilliant picture but I thought the quote was quite appropriate for TD!
2. chirping1 wrote:
 For Normal's Shakespeare challenge
3. chirping1 wrote:
 Arggghhh wish we could delete comments ...the first one is supposed to NOT not NOTE!!!
4. Normal wrote:
 Great quote, especially for TD! (Where from???)
5. chirping1 wrote:
 According to Google it is a Shakespeare quote but no idea if its true or where it comes from
6. katidid wrote:
 According to scribd.com and others it is a line from Jean Anouilh's play "The Rehearsal". Here is a page that lists quotes 'not by Shakespere'. Interesting. http://www.scribd.com/doc/32744381/N
7. katidid wrote:
 oops - http://www.scribd.com/doc/32744381/N
8. katidid wrote:
 Some still contribute it to "Midsummer Night's Dream"...who know who said it first. :-)
9. KJLavigne wrote:
 So true!