Title: Surprize!
created on 28 Mar 15

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Comments on this picture (3):
1. katidid wrote:
 A jack in the box?!
2. Fangzzz wrote:
 the bottom especially has a very Dr. Seuss feel to it, and do you see and animal just to the right of Mr. Smiles?
3. Radrook wrote:
 Thanks! I guess a jack in the box is one way to see it. Yes Ii do see an animacule to the right of him. Lol. Imagine gettung home from work for a nice quiet evening, opening the door, turning on the lights and finding this.

User: Radrook

Profile Picture for Radrook

Date joined: 29 Mar 2012

Number of pictures: 1141

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 Top 5 June 17
 Top 5 April 19
