Title: FAF: Under the Knife
created on 28 Nov 14

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Baldur wrote:
 Weird Al hasn't changed a bit... Wonderful drawing
2. bugoy1 wrote:
 I tried to keep him true to the original. I kept having to look back at yours.
3. Normal wrote:
 You don't appreciate how many stainless steel knives, pliers, saws and hammers (and people to hand them over) are involved until they wheel you in still conscious so you can agree with the surgeon on which hip will be sliced! Talk about fun.
4. bugoy1 wrote:
 Yikes, Normal! Hope all went well. How long ago was it?
5. katidid wrote:
 Too much going on here, missed FAF. Nice response!
6. Normal wrote:
 Sorry - just saw your note 12/06. One hip, SEP 2007, doing great, even though it was "recalled" later. Mine seems to continue functioning properly.
7. bugoy1 wrote:
 Oh, good.