Title: Mindful Moments II
created on 08 Oct 14

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. baby wrote:
 I like this. Nice detail.
2. Fangzzz wrote:
 making my one theme 11 pictures in the different themes - helps that this is the real daily view for me.
3. pinkie wrote:
 Like all the colours and depth to this picture!
4. hjjr wrote:
5. bugoy1 wrote:
 Love the white foamy look to the water!
6. katidid wrote:
 Ah ha! When I saw the gallery I wondered if that was your goal. Daily view? My goodness, what a view! NH, VT, ME? Your banking is fantastic, both here and the first one. You really got the depth.
7. Hobbes wrote:
8. indigo wrote:
 Daily view! LUCKY you! I am so enjoying your series! *J*
9. clorophilla wrote:
 I would have more and more voting for fav - to vote it many times!
10. pinkie wrote:
 Congratulations on Top5!