Title: world cup of tommy bear montage
created on 29 Jun 14

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. gene wrote:
 no ball kicking in this one guys.
2. gene wrote:
 i wish i can be more of an artist like you guys. but then again i had to go to the hospital. and before that happened i was not able to get out of bed for a week. and before that i was not able to get on the computer for awhile. thats why i have not been
3. gene wrote:
 i wish i can be more of an artist like you guys. but then again i had to go to the hospital. and before that happened i was not able to get out of bed for a week. and before that i was not able to get on the computer for awhile. thats why i have not been
4. gene wrote:
 posting pics for a while

User: gene

Profile Picture for gene

Date joined: 14 Feb 2013

Number of pictures: 73

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 Top 5 February 15
 Top 5 June 15

 Mythical Creatures
 Amusement Parks
 Halloween 2013
 World Cup