Title: FT-Save your breath to....
created on 15 Apr 14

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. chirping1 wrote:
 ...to cool your porridge
2. Normal wrote:
 That's new to me...but they DO say "Save your breath." Guess we've lost the tail of it.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Or, save it to blow out your B-day candles! Cute!!!
4. chirping1 wrote:
 I believe it means "...you're talking nonsense" I first came across it in Jane Austen's book Pride & Prejudice.
5. Angela wrote:
 Good One!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 OR, .."you're preaching to the choir" ^_^
7. Normal wrote:
 OR: He's so stubborn, you'll never convince him, so don't bother - save your breath!
8. crane wrote:
 Full of hot air thank you for your comment