Title: kantate for
created on 12 Feb 14

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 hej everybody.too tempting given this new theme just had to.to all of you happy the 14th and smiles from me, as to day I took one more step, and though so many wait on me. this IS my happy day.hej and hugs from linka-marianne
2. clorophilla wrote:
 so happy to hear this from you Linka! And the wreck... may be it will end to be a beautiful adventure in a entirely new land :-)
3. lesley_gene wrote:
 Happy Valentines day Linka! Smiles to you!!
4. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Good greeting to you Linka!
5. bluemoon wrote:
 happy 14th... and so much more!
6. indigo wrote:
 Smiles and hugs to you marianne! Have fun with the new theme. Happy 14th to you too! *J* indigo-nancy
7. methusalinka wrote:
 to day when you indigo told your name behind the indigo-one I too reveal that though I for some days now came back and almost made believe that I was back with you home in td...and have sent in votes comments faves and some pics too its now at the end. fo
8. methusalinka wrote:
 for quite a while.I am going in the direction towards recover. but its such a tough trip and such a lo0ng one. when I see you again I wish even more that it could be faster, but I have to concentrate on every little step I take. and now I do.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 tusinde tak to alle of you in your own wayyou have made me feal I am realy home here. but from this moment and on..its the end in here. not for always but till I am well.I have not a sweet valentine but a promising one. that one day I am well.
10. methusalinka wrote:
 and I do thank you all send you smiles not alle thru tears but thru feers they are all.and trusting your missing me. I miss you too.hugs and hejs from your friend linka-marianne