Title: Beach Huts
created on 25 Jan 14

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Nice sky! And huts! *J*
2. chirping1 wrote:
 Thanks...I'd love a beach hut but in the UK they cost a fortune :(
3. Normal wrote:
 Most attractive. Hope they don't block the beach for the rest of the folks!
4. chirping1 wrote:
 No they are usually at the back of the beach. Beach huts a very popular in the UK but cost and arm and a leg to buy or if they are local council owned, the waiting lists are horrendous..put your new born childs name down and he/she might get one as an adu
5. chirping1 wrote:
 whoops, ran out of space....> adult, if they are lucky!!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 Colourful! Do people live in them or are they just for daytime use?
7. chirping1 wrote:
 Lizzi...they are just for daytime use. Mostly people store all their beach equipment in them, although some have added camping stoves, fridges and even sofa beds!!