Title: For my son
created on 17 Jan 14

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. indigo wrote:
 Cool skates! Does your son play? I grew up with Hockey Night in Canada. Actually with Les Canadiens. My dad was a big fan. GO HABS GO! When we lived in Toronto it was a lot of fun with the Leaf's fans. LOL! *J*
2. chirping1 wrote:
 Yes, he's been playing for the last 13 years since he was eight at various levels. In junior age he played for his country in a tournament in Canada but now he just plays for fun to keep fit. We're in the UK where Hockey is still a minority sport :(
3. hjjr wrote:
 Great hockey pics!!
4. bugoy1 wrote:
 Nice composition!
5. priya41 wrote:
 Well done and interesting!
6. clorophilla wrote:
 great details!