Title: Ruined Castle
created on 05 Jan 14

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 Good work! Have you looked at the forum? Specifically, have you looked at doing some of the challenges? It was doing the challenges that forced me to improve (look at my first few pics vs. now). They are worth trying.
2. chirping1 wrote:
 I briefly looked at the forum but I wasn't sure how it worked...still getting to grips with all the features of the website
3. bugoy1 wrote:
 Go into the "community" portion of the forum. There you will see titles to the left that say "challenge" with a number/name. It took me a while, but I learned that you have to win a challenge to start a new one.
4. bugoy1 wrote:
 Some challenges are sort of always-going challenges that you can still submit your examples (I think). Other ones are short lived. The 10 theme one challenged me more than any other. That's where I learned the most.
5. chirping1 wrote:
 Thanks for the explanation....when I'm a bit more confidant I'll maybe give it a go