Title: Noah's Ark
created on 22 Dec 13

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. KJLavigne wrote:
 Good one! Some say it was only a local flood. So, why didn't they just move, rather than spend 100 years building the ark? Keep up the good work!
2. janice wrote:
 glad you like my drawing, I was just reading up on the bible it was 120 years Noah was constructing the Ark, I love knowing and learning the bible.
3. KJLavigne wrote:
 When they landed, they saw there were no more trees to build with (due to the violence of the waters, earthquakes, and volcanoes), so it would have been very practical to live in caves and to disassemble the ark to build individual dwellings, don't you th
4. KJLavigne wrote:
 think so?
5. KJLavigne wrote:
 PS: I've really enjoyed my walk through your display of your paintings. I hope you try acrylics. You'll enjoy that.
6. janice wrote:
 thank you KJLavigne, for all the wonderful comments, where is the acrylics site? I would like to try it. :)