Title: Lurking in Shadow
created on 03 Dec 13

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 It's been a little over a decade since the first drone strikes started around the globe. Thousands have been killed - most of them innocent victims or "collateral damage". Seems like shadow warfare to me.
2. InTheOcean wrote:
3. bugoy1 wrote:
 Yes it is dark. Sorry. It was one of my first ideas when I thought about shadow. The dark, secret and shady conflicts. The drone just seems like the perfect visual for that ugliness. I hate to mix ugly and Art together. It just fit the showcase idea.
4. InTheOcean wrote:
 Don't apologize- art can take any form, good or bad. If you choose to make art depicting something bad, you are expressing your feelings about that subject.