Title: Hallucinogenic Toreador (Candy)
created on 14 Oct 13

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. bugoy1 wrote:
 One of Dali's ambiguous form paintings. The "Venus de Milo" sculptures shadows create a man's face complete with tie.
2. indigo wrote:
 Well done! *J*
3. clorophilla wrote:
 I see it! And there is a gallery just perfect for it! http://www.thinkdraw.com/forumPosts.
4. Lizzi wrote:
 This is complicated but I finally picked it out. The tie is green. Am I supposed to see Venus as well?
5. bugoy1 wrote:
 Yes, the Venus has a red robe and a blue halo. Then the green tie would be the robe of the second one behind him. The two of them make up a face. I'm sure you can find the original image on Google. There really is too much to get in on this one. There is
6. bluemoon wrote:
 great PB too
7. chelydra wrote:
 Looks a lot better than any Dali I've seen lately.