Title: Pick someone for Slice to kill
created on 01 Oct 13

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. alanator wrote:
 T.D.Nation,this is your opportunity to have Slice take care of someone you hate or deserves to be sliced like bloody sushi,real or fictional,lets have evil fun dicesting them
2. alanator wrote:
 I meant dissecting them.
3. suzze wrote:
4. hjjr wrote:
 tempting idea
5. Normal wrote:
 Sorry. We're not a hateful group.
6. Sakari wrote:
 As a group we are not lovely or hateful, TD is a place where we don't have to ourselves, we can draw anything that we can imagine, have fun, maybe make some friends, and share our fears, sorrow, fun, or just celebrate a day or moment just because.