created on 22 Sep 13

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Comments on this picture (19):
1. ritachake wrote:
 if you have not seen the milky way you have not seen a starry night. it is just like this. the sky around the Mediterranean sea.
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Very catching!
3. Normal wrote:
 Lovely river of stars at the galaxy's edge!
4. sandm wrote:
 Ich hab schon mal etwas erzählt von den Strandspaziergängen unter Sternenhimmel z.B. in Griechenland. Sehr stimmungsvoll! Man ist von den Stermen ganz umgeben, fast eingehüllt. Das ist ein Gefühl als wäre man selber "ein Planet", ein Himm
5. sandm wrote:
 Naja, das "man" ist wahrscheinlich nicht zutreffend, ich weiß nicht, ich hab es jedenfalls so empfunden.
6. sandm wrote:
 Aber ich war gleichzeitig sehr fest mit "der Erde verbunden".
7. ritachake wrote:
 could somebody translate for me the last 3 comments? I think they are in German or ???
8. sandm wrote:
 AFSOUTH und Normal können das ganz sicher, am besten gemeinsam:)
9. Lizzi wrote:
 Rita, if you know how to copy and paste, you can just go to:- Http://www.translate.google.com It'
s the handiest thing!
10. Lizzi wrote:
 I love Normal's name for it -The River of Stars! I never thought Milky Way was a good name, just the thought of all that messy spilled milk turning sour!
11. Lizzi wrote:
 And I meant to say 'Cool picture!'
12. bluemoon wrote:
 beautiful sky
13. hjjr wrote:
14. ritachake wrote:
 Lizzi, thanks for the information, but I found an easier way to translate: right click on the text and say translate then you choose the langages listed above
15. Lizzi wrote:
 WOW! Thanks for that! How did you learn about it? It's a neat trick.
16. ritachake wrote:
 I knew about the right click, I tried it, it works on lots of things, my son who is a system engineer told me about it
17. Normal wrote:
 Holp! Can't do it...text does not highlight as with Left click & where do you "say" translate?? Saw no option.
18. Normal wrote:
19. ritachake wrote:
 Normal, you highlight what you want translated with your left click, once highlighted you right click on it, a screen with the translate appears, on the top you choose the languages.

User: ritachake

Profile Picture for ritachake

Date joined: 20 Aug 2013

Number of pictures: 57

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 Top 5 August 13
